
Babblesim works in Linux. If you want to run it in Windows, you can either use WSL2 or another virtual machine.

For fetching BabbleSim components you will need git, and may want to use either Android’s repo or west. In Ubuntu 24.04 you can install git and repo with:

sudo apt install git repo

You can install west with

pip3 install --user -U west

BabbleSim uses GNU Make and gcc to build the provided components. You will also need the 32bit C libary. In Ubuntu, you can install these with

sudo apt install gcc gcc-multilib make

Optionally, you may want to have the libfftw3 library to be able to build the ext_2G4_channel_Indoorv1 channel model.

sudo apt install libfftw3-dev libfftw3-bin

For inspecting 2G4 Phy activity you may want to install Wireshark, or the Ellisys Bluetooth Analyzer Software

If you want to convert the 2G4 Phy activity to Ellisys traces you will also need awk

sudo apt install gawk

To convert traces to Wireshark .pcap or .pcapng you will need python3.